Saturday, January 21, 2012

Days 19, 20 and 21: Photo(s) A (or Every Few) Day(s) Challenge

We're snowed in here in the Nutmeg State, and it could not possibly be a cozier, prettier day. Sammy and I are on our own while James is in NYC watching his Villanova Wildcats play St. John's at Madison Square Garden. Our day has been filled with lots of tea, lots of yogurt (for Sammy), lots of playtime, Top Chef reruns and a couple FaceTime dates. (Hi, Auntie Kate and Auntie Misty!)

Yet again, I'm behind in my Photo A Day Challenge. It's a good thing I didn't make any New Year resolutions....

Day 19: Sweet

How stinking sweet does my little boy look in this picture?? This was his first day trying out a few Puffs. I don't think any actually made it into his mouth, but it was fun to see him attempt to pick them up.

And perhaps this is an appropriate time to announce that someone has his first tooth?? It's just starting to poke through, and knock on wood, Sammy has been handling it like a champ.

Day 20: Someone You Love

This picture epitomizes my husband perfectly.

Day 21: Reflection

Speaking of love, Sammy loves to look at his reflection in the mirror. He is usually smiling when doing so, but was distracted by my phone (which he loves even more than looking at his reflection).


  1. Hi there, just wanted to thank you so much for your comment about my birthday. I so appreciate it & your reading!

    Also, what a gorgeous little boy you have! I need an app that lets me reach through computer monitors to pinch baby cheeks, because those are some pinch-worthy ones there.

  2. love that picture of you and James--you're right--that's him all over! and love those chubby little hands (smooch, smooch!)
