Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! (And an Attempt to Embrace the Remainder of Autumn.)

For most East Coasters, today feels like anything but Halloween - much thanks to Hurricane Sandy for that. (We are among the very very lucky ones, as we didn't experience much more than a few down branches.) Between last year's freak Nor'easter and this year's hurricane, I feel like someone has been trying to cheat the Northeast out of the remaining days of the best season of the year! So in an attempt to embrace the last half of the season, today I'm going to focus on some of our more festive activities that occurred in the past week. 

Prior to the weekend, the Nutmeg State enjoyed a gorgeous week. Though we're official past the peak of leaf-peeping season, there's still something wonderful about walking (and strolling) through piles and piles of crisp leaves. And before winter rears its bone-chilling head, we are taking full advantage of vest- and fleece-weather, and sneaking in as many outdoor walks and trips to the playground as possible.

I'm also sneaking in as much pumpkin bread into our diets as humanly possible.

I've yet to hear any complaints about this.

Sammy is quickly embracing my family's love of seasonal and sparkly paper goods. (Thanks to Auntie Em for this particular card!)

Whereas I embraced a quiet Friday night to myself (after Sammy went to bed) and whipped up a couple batches of festive sugar cookies. (I used this recipe, which produced some delicious cookies!)

On Saturday morning, our town's moms' club held its annual pumpkin festival and Halloween stroll. This was the perfect activity for some of the younger kids, whose bedtime doesn't yet accommodate trick-or-treating.

Sammy the spider was a little unsure of his newfound eight legs and head gear at first, but eventually embraced it.

Prior to the festival, Queenie and Grampy stopped by to see Sammy in his full spidey regalia. (The photo above might be my favorite yet of the three of them!)

I didn't get any "scenic" shots of the pumpkin festival and stroll as I was too busy steering Sammy through the melee that was hundreds of over eager parents trying to score candy for their demanding kids, but here is a nice quiet moment where someone is thoroughly enjoying his second ever lollipop.

And he continued to enjoy it for quite awhile.

Until it was gone, and he turned his attention to the faux spider webbing that adorned his wagon. The above face was made every time he mistakenly touched it.

Once past the ickiness that was the faux spider webs, we all relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the stroll.

Hope everyone is safe, warm and able to enjoy the remainder of Autumn! Happy Halloween!

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