Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pre-Holiday Bumpdate: Week 21

Well, we are officially past the halfway point! (And not a moment too soon....)

This past week was a much better one than last, though I still came down with an odd case of something in the middle of the week. It was very similar to last week, in that I was exhausted, a bit nauseous, and had absolutely no appetite.

(Mind you, I am not the type of girl to ever lose her appetite. When I get sick, I am still hungry. When I'm sad, I'm still hungry. When I am scared or see something gross - I'm still hungry.)

Anyway, by Thursday I was back to my old self, appetite and all. However, the one thing that really suffered this week was my workout regimen. I took rest days on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then again on Saturday - just because, and didn't get out for a single run, nor did I venture to the pool. (So much for bumping up my swimming yardage this week.) My bike and I really bonded though, so all wasn't totally lost.

Also, I'm pretty excited as in January, I'm signed up for a friend's Baby Boot Camp class. It's mostly strength-training, and she's assured me that she's specifically trained in the area of prenatal fitness, so it will be a great thing to add to my workout routine. Especially as my running fitness seems to be diminishing, as does my motivation to workout in general.

Odd way to symbolize my growing daughter, but it does look tasty!

So what happens this coming week? Baby Girl is the size of a spaghetti squash (!!!), at 8 inches and 1 pound. Her sense of touch develops this week, and she is now able to perceive light and dark much better than before, even though her eyelids are still fused. Her eyelashes and eyebrows are well formed now (saying a silent prayer that she inherits James' eyelashes and my eyebrows), and hair is sprouting on her head, though it's apparently a bright white.

And what lovely things might I experience this week? The potential for my feet to grow (again - they went up a half size when I was pregnant with Sammy) and an increased chance of adult acne. Happy holidays to me!

Total weight gained: I actually lost two pounds in the middle of the week, but then gained them right back once my appetite reappeared, so we're still at 12.

Belly: My ... ick, uterus ... is now about an inch about my belly button apparently, and growing by "leaps and bounds." I'd say that's about right. My workout tops are definitely on the shorter side now, and my only regret to signing up for this Baby Boot Camp thing is that I'm going to have to spring for a couple new shirts that will cause my stomach to not frighten the general public.

A little bedhead after a particularly good nap.
Sleep: Sammy has slept great this past week, and so have I for the most part. I still wake up at least once throughout the night, but with no run or swim planned for my early mornings, I've managed to go back to bed a couple times and then wake up at a reasonable hour. Though I'm at that point in the pregnancy where I have incredibly weird and vivid dreams almost every night. Last night? I was part of Lauren Conrad's (of Laguna Beach and The Hills fame) posse and attended a rather crazy party. Because given my current wardrobe, penchant for alcohol, and late-night bedtimes, that's realistic.

Best moment of the week: Not Baby-related, but Sammy-related - my firstborn said his own name this week! I have watched the video of him saying "Sam" about 40 times each day and it just doesn't get old. Even better, he continues to say it pretty regularly! There is really nothing like watching your child grow up.

Movement: Still feeling it pretty regularly! The kicks and jabs aren't huge yet, but I definitely feel something! Also, Baby Girl seems to have finally shifted to the middle and left side of my stomach, which is a nice change. She feels lower than I remember Sammy ever feeling, though I think that's normal for a girl...?

Food cravings / aversions: During my two day break from food, the only thing I ate / wanted was toast. Same thing last week! Every other day, my desire for sweets was back in full force. And not just any sweets, but the type of candy I love - sugary, fruity, non-chocolatey candy. Thank goodness I don't keep any in the house.

Weird symptoms: I don't claim to be the most graceful person, but I seem to become ridiculously clumsy when pregnant. On Saturday, this fact hit hard as I managed to drop and shatter the screen on my iPhone for the third time (the first two times occurred two days before I had Sammy, and then again soon after I had him), and then knock over a full glass of soda about an hour after the phone incident. Do you know what sucks? Having to brave the mall - and the Apple Store, of all places - four days before Christmas.

On a positive note, my hair seems to have reached that turning point where it stops falling out, thanks to the magic of my prenatal pills. This happened when pregnant with Sammy as well, and I loved not having to sweep my bathroom floor and clean out the sink every other minute!

What I miss: Wearing regular non-maternity shirts, being able to lean over without groaning, and multiple glasses of champagne.

What I'm looking forward to: Celebrating our last Christmas as a family of three.

Easy spin during Real Housewives reruns - not exactly pushing things this week.
Workout: (Clearly not worth a separate blog entry this week.)

  • Monday: Biked 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Biked 45 minutes
  • Friday: Biked 30 minutes
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Planned 30 minutes on the bike (I'm publishing this post before hopping on!)

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