Monday, January 28, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 26

As we pass week 26 and enter into week 27, Baby Girl has transitioned from eggplant status to the length of a cucumber. And rather than bore you with another self portrait of my ginormous bump (my uterus is now the size of a basketball, just in case you were wondering), I figured this lovely photo of some refreshing cucumber cocktails would be much more pleasing to the eye.

No? You're still yearning for a belly photo? Will Sammy's (way cuter) tummy hold you over? (This was taken on a day when he was particularly enamored with his belly button.)

Not much new to report this week, other than an increasing feeling of heaviness throughout my entire body. I am seriously beginning to get nervous about what the third trimester has in store for me if I'm already complaining about it being a smidge more difficult to get around. And just yesterday, instead of being able to lean straight over to tie my shoe, I had to tilt my foot at a side angle so I could reach around my stomach. (Is it flip flop weather yet??)

With that said, I am loving my baby boot camp class that I'm taking throughout January, and will be sad for my month membership to be up. Being active really does wonders for me. In other workout-related news, I managed to jump on my bike three times this week. Also, I actually had my bathing suit on one evening, in anticipation of finally getting in my first swim of the year... until James ended up working late. Granted, he only got home an hour later than usual, but by then, my motivation to leave the comforts of my home had long departed. Thank goodness for my indoor bike trainer.

In somewhat related news, I had my glucose test this week, and even impressed the lab receptionist with the speed in which I chugged down my orange diabetes drink. I should find out the results on Wednesday, when I go back to my doctor for my monthly appointment. And just in case things don't go my way, I've partaken in plenty of baked goods, candy and white flour-enriched meals over the past few days.

Nesting continuing to hit me hard this week. I cooked three big meals for my family, plus a multi-course meal for some friends who came to dinner last night. How I've missed entertaining! (And how I'm ready to not do it again until after the baby comes...! It was a long day of being on my feet.) I've dusted off my Martha Stewart Organizing magazine, I cleaned the heck of my coat closet (which, embarrassingly hasn't been organized since the day we moved in, over three years ago), and have ambitions of tackling three more closets-of-shame before the week is over. I'm super close to tackling Sammy's big boy room, and then Baby Girl's room ... oh, and Baby Girl now has an outfit to wear home from the hospital! (And socks, don't forget.)

Hopefully Baby will not hate the comfy sleeper (on the left) as much as Sammy detested his coming home outfit. And how sweet is the dress on the right? I love baby girl clothes!

So what do we have to look forward to in week 27, other than my continued need to clean, cook and organize every inch of my life? My What to Expect app tells me that around this stage, nearly three-quarters of of pregnant women begin to experience mild swelling of the feet, ankles and hands. Good times! I didn't experience this when pregnant with Sammy, though my feet did expand a half size.

As for Baby Girl, beginning at this stage, she will be measured from head to toe (previously it was from head to rump), and should be about 15 inches now (the length of an English cucumber), and just over two pounds. Also, the app again talks about how her hearing is progressing, and how she might be able to recognize James' and my voices, as well as Sammy's, so we this is a good time to read or sing to Baby. Lucky for her, Sammy is currently read and sung to plenty.

We hope Baby Sister enjoyed Sammy's rendition of "I'm a little pony"!
Total weight gained: Okay, okay. I finally jumped on the scale and appear to have gained about 17 pounds at this point. Whatever. I guarantee at least 14 of those pounds are all in my upper chest area. (Two are obviously Baby, and we'll attribute one pound to my stomach. Don't argue with me on this one.)

Belly: My friend who likes to comment on everything noted this morning that I am carrying quite low - though I have to agree. I was relatively high with Sammy, and have definitely noticed a difference this time around. Luckily I am not yet feeling much pressure, well ... down there, other than on my bladder. (I go to the bathroom a million times more than I ever did when pregnant with Sammy.) Also, my stomach hangs out of each and every shirt I own at this point. (If you're going to stop by in the evening, please have the courtesy to call or text beforehand so that I may change into one of my three shirts that are long enough to cover my stomach.)

Sleep: It's not perfect, but it's not bad either. Can't complain much this week!

Best moment of the week: I can't share the details of my favorite moment of the week just yet. But maybe in three months...! A close runner up was fitting in another visit with my favorite newborn, Hannah! Look how much she's grown since just a couple weeks ago! And she was wide awake and alert throughout my entire visit, which was so fun to see.

Auntie Em,  enjoying snuggling with a little girl for once!
Movement: Baby Girl continues to kick like a champ. She mostly hangs out on the right side of my stomach, and at one point, I swear she was trying to wiggle her way to my back. Even as I look down at my belly right now, I notice a little more bulge on that right side.

It's not too difficult to tell where Baby is hanging out!

Food cravings / aversions: I don't know why I keep the "aversions" portion of this category as I am averse to no food at this point. Comfort food continued to rule my world this week, and I treated myself (and James) to dishes like orecchiette with broccolini, winter minestrone soup, Israeli couscous with chicken and homemade tzatziki sauce, tagliatelle in a cream sauce, and chocolate chip blondies. (I have most certainly gotten my money's worth out of Ina Garten's newest cookbook.)

Ina's orecchiette with broccolini was a hit with the entire family!

Weird symptoms: The itchy left palm is still making its presence known, as is my aforementioned itty bitty bladder. My entire body is stiff when I wake up in the morning, and I've finally dragged Mini Snoogle out of hiding (aka the "coat closet of shame"), in hopes of relieving some of the pressure on my legs as I sleep.

Other treasures discovered from the "coat closet of shame" - headbands, which Sammy was particularly taken with.

Workout: Three 30-minute bike rides (of which I averaged between 7.3 and 8 miles during each ride), and one hour-long session of baby boot camp.

What I miss: Not spending half of each day running to and from the bathroom.

Praying this little frock goes on sale soon!
What I'm looking forward to: I'm still on a Spring kick. And it's recently hit me that not only do I get to look forward to wearing pastel colored Spring clothes, but so does Baby Girl!

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