Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 30

I know I promised no more pictures of me in workout gear, BUT, I lied. And it's a shame as I was actually in a halfway decent outfit earlier on in the day when I snapped this photo. 

But do you what I did not lie about? Taking on a more positive attitude this week. And I have to say, I rather enjoyed week 30 (30!) of this pregnancy. I ate healthier, I did not consume one diet soda, I got in some great workouts (including three trips to the pool!), and in general, I just felt much better about myself and this pregnancy.

So what's going on now that we've only got 10 weeks left? Baby is the size of a head of lettuce and measures 18 inches and weighs in at more than three pounds. Her brain continues to develop, and inside my womb, she is busy making faces, hiccuping, swallowing, breathing, sucking her thumb, and - quite obviously to me - rolling around and kicking the inside of my uterus. (I'll spare you from the doom and gloom that accompanies my body this week, as told to me by my What to Expect app.)

Total weight gained: That scary number that appeared on the scale at my doctor's office has yet to rear its head again, thank goodness. Instead, I seem to be hovering around the +22 lb. mark pretty consistently. So be it.

Belly / movement: My belly is still large and in charge, as well as hanging super low. The movement continues to be insane. I read somewhere that this coming week I'll feel the most movement ever, as every week after that, Baby will have less and less space to move around. And last night while riding my bike, I swear, I felt Baby's bum sticking out above my right hip. 

Sleep: I appear to be back on my first trimester schedule, as I passed out a few times before the clock even struck 9 p.m. this week. I also am back on a wake-up-at-1-a.m.-and-lay-awake-for-two-hour kick. This perhaps could be easily fixed if I was able to stay awake past 9 p.m., but, that's just not going to happen.

Best moment of the week: I thought this week was going to be tough as it's school vacation week in my town, and thus all of our regular activities are cancelled for the week. But that didn't end up being the case at all! Thursday in its entirety was my favorite day this week. 

First, for the first time in months, I dropped Sammy off with our pool's babysitter, and while the poor kid cried for the first 10 minutes, he was totally fine the entire remainder of the hour! I actually had to drag him out of the playroom! I can't tell you the amount of anxiety I had dropping him off there, and the huge sense of relief I felt after. We stopped at the grocery store right after, and I must have had a huge smile on my face the entire time as an older man said, totally out of the blue, "You look like a happy mom." Well that was one of the nicest things someone has ever said to me.

On top of all that, not only did I fit in my workout that morning, but I also had a healthy meal in the crockpot (one of my favorites - Jamaican bean stew) prior to noon, and we finished off the day with a really fun 2 1/2 hour play date with some new friends. 

Source: Two little boys under the age of two. And I feel this picture still doesn't do the mess justice.

Food cravings / aversions: I'm rather embarrassed to admit the first food item (other than candy) that I've really, really craved during this pregnancy: a Pizza Hut pizza. Pizza Hut, of all things! My town has a handful of really great non-chain pizza restaurants, and yet none of them would do, in my mind. Anyway, I didn't follow through. (Though we did finally get a pizza from a much better establishment the next night.)

On a related note, I've slowly eased myself off of candy (minus a few final pieces of Valentine's chocolate), primarily as I've supplemented my sweets craving by these (still filled with plenty of sugar) fruit bars. Even though they're not the healthiest, somehow I still feel a bit better about this choice.

Weird symptoms: Every night after sitting on my couch for a bit, my body completely stiffens, making it rather painful to get up off of the couch and get myself into bed. I attribute some of this stiffness to my workouts this week, but that certainly can't be the only reason. 

Workout: As already mentioned, I feel really good about my workouts this week. I made it to the pool three times (sadly, this is a record for me ... I think, and thus I can't mention it enough), increased my yardage (though I'm still not up to where I was before I took my month hiatus), and am generally starting to feel more comfortable again in the water. That was, until today, when I used this crazy thing for a few sets, and am sure I looked like some sort of floundering, drowning animal.
  • Monday: Swam 1000 yards
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Biked 12 miles in 45 minutes (16 mph pace)
  • Thursday: Swam 1200 yards
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Biked 11.25 miles in 45 minutes (14.9 mph pace) - Spinervals video
  • Sunday: Swam 1200 yards
What I'm looking forward to: My focus is on Sammy this week, especially as we made some more progress on his big boy room over the weekend! 

It is insane to me how much our calendar is filling up between now and Baby Sister's due date, and I'm looking forward to making the most of this time with our firstborn. 

Also, I am very much looking forward to next weekend when I get to cash in on my Valentine's present from James - an afternoon at the spa with one of my favorite friends!

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